The Quicker and Easier Version of Liposuction : Ultrasonic Liposuction or Vaser

The Quicker and Easier Version of Liposuction : Ultrasonic Liposuction or VASER

May 29, 2020

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure that removes the fat cells from the body for body shaping and sometimes also done for weight loss.

How helpful are non-surgical techniques for significant fat loss?
There is a huge population who embarks on non-invasive procedures for fat loss thinking that it will help them achieve desirable results. However, after having spent time, effort and quite a bit of money they realise that the procedure has hardly benefitted them and there are minimal to no visible results. Non-invasive methods of fat loss except diet and exercise have quite a limited result and the selection of patients has to be proper.

What is UAL or VASER?
Ultrasonic assisted liposuction was introduced a few decades ago and the technique is now used very widely all over the world to perform liposuction. It was popularized as VASER which literally means Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. It amplifies the sound energy and then melts the fat to liquid.

What is the technique involved?
The ultrasonic energy melts the fat before it is sucked out thus it makes the liposuction procedure gentler on the body.

What about the manual liposuction or SAL?
Compared to the manual suction assisted liposuction it helps the body lose more fat in the procedure and it helps the body recover earlier because it is subjected to lesser operative trauma.

What are the specific benefits of UAL?
The benefits of UAL (Ultrasound assisted Liposuction) are that

  • It removes the fat more precisely.
  • A most superior version of this method is 5D sculpting which can be used for definition of the body shape.
  • Gets rid of the stubborn and fibrous fat in the Fat rolls.
  • Preserves the surrounding nerves
  • Increases the contraction of the skin thus there is lesser incidence of loose and sagging skin after the liposuction.
  • Blood loss is significantly lesser or none at all with UAL.
  • It also reduces the fatigue of the surgeon, hence helps in betterment of the results.

What areas of the body can be treated?
UAL can be used for liposuction of the abdomen, back, chests, thighs, buttocks, arms and double chin.

What is the anesthesia required?
The procedure can be performed on an out-patient with sedation and local anesthesia and if the volume of aspirate is lesser one can go back home the same evening as well with no need for hospital admissions. However, a couple of days off-work are advisable so that one is better when he/she joins work.

Male chest reduction and Ultrasonic Liposuction

In Gynecomastia or Male Chest reduction surgery the Ultrasonic liposuction reduces the recovery period to minimal and it makes the liposuction literally a painless procedure. The results with Ultrasonic liposuction vs normal liposuction are much superior.

Are there no risks involved?
UAL is largely risk free, however, there may be complication due to high heat energy generated during the procedure and may result in burning or blistering of the skin, numbness may last longer in certain cases. There may be an increased incidence of seroma.

How can I reduce the chances of complications?
All the complications are significantly lesser when the procedure is performed by a Plastic Surgeon who is trained in the procedure and has performed a number of procedures to give predictable results.

What is 5D Liposuction?
This is a very superior method of liposuction which can be used to give the cuts and curves desired in a particular part of the body. There can be creation of six packs, high definition of deltoids, back muscles and pectoral area with this method.

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