Tattoo Removal by Surgery

Tattoo Removal by Surgery

May 29, 2020

There is an increasing number of people that get themselves inked. The trend is more prevalent in the younger population. Younger males especially are more inclined towards getting themselves tattooed. The most favoured part of the body for getting a tattoo is the arms or shoulders. In females, the most common part of the body tattooed is the upper back. These tattoos are sometimes done as an impromptu decision and people don’t realise that they are submitting themselves to a long/lifetime commitment. Many times they want to get rid of a particular tattoo that they don’t like or would want a better tattoo instead of the current one.

Various reasons for wanting tattoo removal
1. Application for government jobs
2. Application for military service
3. For the purpose of jobs in the aviation industry
4. Want to delete all memories that the tattoo may be reminding one of
5. Wanting to remove the name of an ex tattooed on the body
6. Simply don’t like the tattoo anymore
7. Want a better tattoo instead of the current one

There are two methods for tattoo removal. In this article we are discussing the surgical method.

There can be two types of surgery for the removal of the tattoo.
1. Excision and stitching
2. Excision and skin grafting after tattoo removal

Excision and stitching
This method can be opted for in a tattoo which is smaller in size and is made at a place where the skin is sufficiently loose and will close after the excision. This will leave visible scars but can be a quick solution to removal of the tattoo if one has a very limited time and wants the tattoo removal in a short time.

At SB Aesthetics, the best Plastic Surgery Clinic in Gurugram, we tailor the treatment to your needs and we have all the latest technologies to get rid of the tattoo that you would like to remove.

Excision and skin grafting
This method of removing the tattoo is almost like removing a wide scar and converting it to a thinner scar. If you would like to have better results, you may also go for laser sessions to better the scar.

Procedure: This is done under local anesthesia and the area of the tattoo is numbed with local anaesthetic injection. The tattoo is removed by excision and the normal surrounding skin is closed. The stitches are generally removed in about 7-8 days.
You will be prescribed some scar gels and other scar reducing methods for the scar.
You can appear for a government job interview almost after 3 weeks of this surgery.

The second method of tattoo removal in big tattoos or large tattoos is removal of tattoo and skin grafting surgery. This is perhaps the most favourable method for tattoo removal in a short period of time and eventually has better results than the method of excision and stitching.

If one gives enough time and follows the post operative instructions like applying the scar silicone gel, massaging, sun protection, lasers for resurfacing the grafted skin, the results can be marvelous.

If you are thinking about getting a tattoo removed through surgery or laser, SB Aesthetics is one of the best places to get this done. We have one of the most advanced laser tattoo removal machines if one wants to opt for laser tattoo removal. We understand that getting rid of a tattoo can be an emotional journey for a person and we are ready to hand-hold our patients to ensure a positive tattoo removal experience.

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SB Aesthetics is one of the renowned medical centers in Gurgaon offering world-class and most advanced plastic surgeries procedures under the guidance of Dr. Shilpi Bhadani.

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