What Should not do after Fillers 10 Points

What should I not do after Fillers? 10 Points

May 29, 2020

Got a filler injected on your face or elsewhere? Wondering about the Dos and Don’ts after your fillers? Here are 10 points which you should avoid to have the best results from your filler.

1. Avoid washing your face with normal tap water on the day of the filler.
Well, it is controversial but tap water at many places can be a source of infection, it is best to stick to your facial wipes to wipe the face gently without too much pressure. If you must wash your face on the day of the procedure, stick to a source of water that you consider safe.
This is specially important if you have had a cannula used for the filler injection. After 24 hours the skin is sealed again naturally at the puncture sites and you can go back to washing your face normally.

2. Avoid pressure on the injected area
We are all aware that fillers are hyaluronic acid gels. When injected they take a while to settle in the injected area. They are deformable initially and if too much pressure is applied the effect may change. Make sure you do not apply excessive pressure while sleeping or while applying anything on your face. In about a week or so, fillers start settling down and you can go back to your usual routine after about 7-10 days.

3. Avoid blood thinning products
This is true as a ‘before the procedure’ precaution also. Avoid too much garlic, ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, kava and fish oil in the diet. Avoid taking these for at least a week. Taking these products can lead to increased chances of bruising.

4. Avoid Sun Exposure
The skin is slightly irritable after the filler at the puncture sites and if you have a bruise from the procedure, you may end up with hyper-pigmented skin in that area. Make sure you are not venturing out in direct sunlight and if you must then you are well protected with a sunscreen.

5. Avoid heavy workout
If you work out in the gym or at home, it is best to avoid working out for 48-72 hours. Any activity that increases the heart rate too much or rushes blood circulation should be withheld. It may also make the injected area slightly painful and increase the chances of bruising.

6. Avoid Swimming for 3 days
Swimming is also an intensive workout. Staying in the pool in the initial days may also increase the chances of infection.

7. Avoid over analyzing your results in the initial days
Swelling after the fillers is natural and people may have very mild to slightly increased swelling after filler injections. You shouldn’t keep assessing the result every now and then. Let the injected area settle down for a few days and after 15 days when fillers have almost settled – this is the time to discuss your results with your doctor.

8. Avoid using exfoliating creams
It is strongly recommended that you do not use any facial scrubs or retinol based creams or exfoliating creams for at least 48 hrs after your filler injection. It may leave your skin irritated.

9. Avoid microneedling,  injections and lasers
It is a good idea to wait for at least 2 weeks after fillers for getting skin related procedures like peels, microneedling, injections and lasers.

10. Avoid alcohol and smoking for 48hrs
It may slightly increase the chances of bruising. However, it is not a mandatory don’t. It is generally considered that alcohol dehydrates and the fillers for their good effect must be slightly hydrated. You can take your call on this. We recommend avoiding it!

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